I've repaired my game countless times as well, but still nothing.

I installed a "Mod conflict detector" to run through my mods, nothing once again. I use mods and custom content, so I tried removing those, nothing. They continued to show up properly the next few times I opened my game but after around 5-6 times, they didn't show up again. They can then bestow titles to the other important sims in their lives by clicking on them and navigating to the 'titles' pie menu. Instead of the trait menus, it's usually just a line under select traits, and if I'm lucky, a very small white scrollbar will pop up and I can just barely see and click the traits. When I first noticed the problem (right after that update installed) I restarted my game, and they showed up like they usually do. Once you have created your founding Monarch in CAS, you can give them the 'Monarch' trait. When you click one of the empty trait slots, there should be a drop menu of the traits, yes? That hasn't happened ever since that update.

So after the update that came with a red skin tone (I apologize, I can't quite remember which update that was.) my game started to act in an odd way.