Users simply have to add a license key in order to upgrade to a licensed version - it is not necessary to download and install a different version of the software. The advantage of this approach to licensing is that only one installation is required. PDF-XChange Editor contains a 'Remove All Watermarks' feature that can be used to remove the watermarks created when licensed features are used without a license. This simply means the absence of a license key in all cases. Note that the free version of the software is referred to in many ways throughout the documentation - such as 'free version', 'trial version' and 'trial mode'. The presence of a license key and the associated absence of watermarks is the only difference between the free versions and the licensed versions of the Tracker Software applications. If you want to use these features without the watermarks being applied then it is necessary to purchase and apply a license key. The other products that we produce, with the exception of the PDF-XChange Lite virtual printer (for home use), require a license for all features to operate without creating watermarks on output content.

The majority of features in PDF-XChange Editor are free to use, but some require a license. There are no 'trial' versions of the Tracker Software applications - the installers for each product include all features for the application being installed and there is no time limit on usage, with the exception of the enhanced OCR feature - which is available for fourteen days from the date of first installation. Tracker Software encourages the liberal use of our free features for both private and commercial use.